B&A Friday

It seems the weather can't make up it's mind whether or not to be Spring or stay Winter.  I'm so very eager to start planting pretty flowers in the yard.  The weather in GA has always been like this, my mom says "If you don't like the weather in Georgia, wait 5 minutes."

So, on to another addition of Before and After Friday.  I love to get your pics so if you'd like a chance to be featured here please send over any before/after shots.  

Here's another amazing re-do from A little place called home sweet home

Here is her hutch before


Love the chicken wire!
Great job Leah, thank you :)


  1. Very nice transformation! Love the knobs that Leah used in the pretty aqua color. Have a good weekend, Kathleen.

  2. Yes, the chicken wire sets it apart from all the rest!

  3. you know in texas they say that if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes and it'll change. I work with a guy in Oklahoma and he says "if you don't like the weather in Oklahoma give it 5 minutes and it'll change". I talked to another guy I work with in Tennessee and he said, I bet you can guess it, "if you don't like the weather in Tennessee give it 5 minutes and it'll change".

    I'm starting to think that we, as a people, are too often surprised by the weathers consistently inconsistent behavior.

    Here's hoping for your warmer weather! Its okay, the spring flower are out now and in 5 minutes it'll be summer and they'll look pittiful anyway ;P


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